Cultivating our communities, a living Toolbox for Commons Ecosystems

To fight neoliberalism, it is essential to create and sustain local systemic alternatives to the market economy. There are already a number of initiatives facilitating the emergence of local commons ecosystems, they work in their territories together with the people…

Dossier “Finance and Commons: Towards a Collective Reappropriation of Finance”

Remix the Commons mobilized members of the Finance and Commons discussion list to create the dossier Finance and Commons: Towards a Collective Reappropriation of Finance, the twenty-third issue of the Passerelle collection, published on April 28, 2022, by RITIMO. Since…

Refusing State funding of vaccine research in a corporate “double-blind”

Original : Refuser de financer la recherche vaccinale en «double aveugle» 26 sept. 2020 The scale of the COVID epidemic has led to strong and rapid public commitments by national governments. In particular, more than 10 billion Euros have been…

Barcelone en Comu : results before next step, the example of the Digital policy

In the last elections in May, Barcelona en Comù has formed an alliance with the Catalan Socialist Party to form a new municipal government with a common agenda and Ada Colau was re-elected for another 4-year term. The first term…